Marine Aquarium Atlas

Marine fish profiles with pictures

Marine aquarium fish database

Scientific name, common name, family, geographical distribution, adult length, social behaviour, acclimatization, aggressiveness, breeding, reef safe, food and water conditions

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Customize the saltwater fish database

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Corals Atlas with pictures

Customize the marine corals database

Scientific name, common name, class, family, distribution, adult length, acclimatization, aggressiveness, water flow, lighting, growth, propagation, placement, food and water parameters

Add and modify an Atlas Corals form

Modify the saltwater corals database

Add and change all data about the coral

Invertebrates Atlas with pictures

Customize the marine inverts database

Scientific name, common name, class, family, distribution, adult length, acclimatization, aggressiveness, social behaviour, food and water conditions

Invertebrates Atlas in treeview mode

Find the marine invertebrates database

Discover the database by taxonomic order (class, family, genus and species)

Marine Algae Atlas with pictures

Discover the marine algae database

Scientific name, common name, family, distribution, height, propagation mode, lighting, growth and water maintenance conditions

Print and export Atlas profiles

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